Work collaboratively with others for problem-solving and creative project development
Artifact 1

"Solemn - A Short Film Project"
The short film project, "Solemn," was in my sophomore year while I was at Evangel University, prior to transferring to Wheaton. It was a part of the electronic communication class which required us to design a poster, create a shot script & storyboard, produce the short film, as well as record a radio spot for advertising. Finally, all articles of the short film were compiled on a website designed on Dreamweaver. I no longer have access to the website as it was hosted by Evangel.
Solemn is a short film about a college-age student who is lonely and desires to find a friend to talk to. She discovers an opportunity to simply start a conversation with someone. She writes letters to her newfound friend, her pen pal, and hopes that one day they will meet. In the making of the short film, I was primarily in charge of the shot script and planning process, as well as creating the storyline.
The Shotscript was our primary template for recording, combining our story with how we wanted to present it.
The radio spot was used for advertising our short film. Audio can be played below.
Artifact 2
This music theory project was an assignment to compose a song and gather a group to perform it with. I had the pleasure to be a part of three different groups, and to work with three great individuals on my own piece. It was challenging to have to rely on others' schedule for showing up to rehearsal, but it definitely stretched my organizational ability.