Define multiple theoretical perspectives for interpreting human symbol use.
Artifact 1
"iTown Church logo redesign"
(left) redesign (right) original. Human symbol use combines the symbolism of shapes and of colors in order to convey a given message. In terms of a Church logo, it is important to capture both the character and the mission of said Church. iTown is very contemporary and focused on living a good life. The symbol used to convey this is the use of a square bounding box, as well as the Hebrew character for life (chai). They are passionate about showing how God brings people from where they are to where they want to be.
Artifact 2
"Nasdaq logo redesign"
Using the hexagon as a symbol of strength and the color blue as a symbol of versatility and likeness to the always-presence of the sky, this logo emphasizes the historicity of Nasdaq. Further, the upward trend look of the N symbolizes a healthy economy and market. To my surprise, Nasdaq's current logo is not very elaborate or symbolic. As a company that has such major influence, it seems reasonable that they would have a well-though-through logo, but I am not convinced by what they have. View essay about the logo redesign project below.
Artifact 3
"Choo Choo / Vroom Vroom: The Ongoing War Between the Word and the Image in the Digital Age"
The following essay explores the fundamental symbols of the word and the image as it relates to masculinity and femininity. Based on Leonard Schlain's book, "The Alphabet Versus the Goddess," the symbols of word and image are here related to the computer and the combination of both. The culture has changed drastically in the digital age, and this essay seeks to explore one of the major causes of that. Specifically, the masculinization of femininity and the feminization of masculinity, not as male and female, but as their characteristics.